Welcome to this ol'house at Lilac Legacy.

Here is where I am archiving my ol'house. We moved into it in 2003. It is a constant work in progress...(we moved away from this lovely home in 2012)

Monday, October 25, 2010

The meaning behind the name

Both my Grandmothers and my mother loved Lilac's. They have passed that love on to me. My mother fought cancer and before she passed away I told her I was naming my home Lilac Legacy because of that love going from generation to generation. I have about 10 lilac bushes planted here now and plan to continue planting more in the future.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The livingroom

                                        When we moved in
                                     After we tore out the carpet  and painted
                          Finally we sanded and sealed the floor and tore out the bookshelf walls to make more room in the living room.We also put in a new door(that isn't so new now. This was all done a few yrs. or more ago).  In this pic. We don't have the wood beam across where the wall was torn out. I will have to post a pic. of that some time. We also tore out a 2.5 ft. door opening into the kitchen from this room. Will have to post a photo of that sometime also.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010